Website Changes Ahead


You might have seen the “Pardon Our Dust” notice up on the homepage of the website, as well as some differences in the design of the homepage and this blog.

The last time I really updated my website was 5 or 6 years ago, and a lot has changed since then. I’ve grown as a clinician, the group of clients I work best with have expanded in some very cool ways, and the kinds of things I want to do with my website are much more varied.

Unfortunately, the website provider I’ve been working with until now just didn’t have what I needed. So in order to make all this happen, I switched to a new provider that has all sorts of features I can’t wait to roll out — like private member areas, integrated scheduling for classes and workshops, and integrated email lists. Like any change, though, it takes some time to figure out the new “lay of the land,” and to get things working the way I want them to.

So, for now, the website is a skeleton — but stay tuned for new features!

erin first name sig with transparency.png

Introducing Melissa!